Shift your life towards
positive impact on the planet in less than 90 days

Shift your life
towards positive impact
on the planet
in less than 90 days

Welcome to Shift
Shift helps municipalities
Shift helps
municipalities to support
to support their citizens
their citizens towards
towards a sustainable and
a sustainable and
circular lifestyle
circular lifestyle

We do this via our

changemaker platform

Your own carbon footprint

Within just 5 minutes, citizens can calculate their personal carbon footprint. This gives insights into which lifestyle changes can have the largest impact.

Your sustainable sherpa

Citizens can easily discover relevant local, and sustainable events, initiatives, and subsidies close to where they live.

Personalised content

Based on a personal profile, driven by AI technology and the Shift behavioural change model, citizens receive content that is relevant to them.

Get the answers you need

Easily get in touch with free experts in the field of food, energy, circularity, consumption and travel. Personal 1-on-1 contact via phone and monthly free online Q&A sessions.

The Shift platform is always in
your pocket

Carbon Footprint Calculator

The carbon footprint calculator
generates a detailed input to
create a personal profile.

Inspiring Content

Inspiring content to create awareness about climate change and tips on how to take action

Personal Preferences

Surveys to determine focus areas, content preferences and more.

Educational Content

Educational content. In-depth content paired with practical suggestions. Links to interesting initiatives and locations.

Academic Knowledge

Shift applies proven insights
from climate science, transition theory
and behavioural science.

Products and Partners

Extensive overview of solutions, products and organisation for easier, more sustainable and affordable living.

The Shift platform is always in your pocket

Carbon footprint calculator

The carbon footprint calculator generates a detailed input to create a personal profile.

Inspiring content

Inspiring content to create awareness about climate change and tips on how to take action

Personal preferences

Surveys to determine focus areas, content preferences and more.

Educational content

Educational content. In-depth content paired with practical suggestions. Links to interesting initiatives and locations.

Academic knowledge

Shift applies proven insights from climate science, transition theory and behavioural science.

Products and partners

Extensive overview of solutions, products and organisation for easier, more sustainable and affordable living.

The benefits
at a glance

Support Base

Widespread support
and acceptance

Our platform motivates citizens and stimulates support for municipal policy for a sustainable lifestyle.

Healthier Living Environment

Healthier living also means polluting less

Sustainable living reduces pollution, promotes biodiversity, and creates a cleaner and healthier community.

Social Wellbeing

Together we
make it better

Sustainable choices improve the quality of life for individuals and communities, and contribute to a cleaner and greener future for everyone.

Social Cohesion


Learning about sustainability and putting this into practice together with people in your neighbourhood increases social cohesion.

Stimulate Local


Shift helps residents discover local initiatives and companies which promotes the local economy.

Subsidy Guide

There is a lid
for every jar

Makes it easy for citizens to find and apply for the right subsidy.

Partners and



Shift was founded on the realization that if we really want to achieve the Paris climate goals, we need to look beyond the energy transition. The average carbon footprint of a European citizen is currently 3.5x higher than the Paris 1.5-degree targets. The conclusion: we all have an important role to play in creating a livable future.

Dutch Municipalities have ambitious climate targets: 60% less CO2 in 2030. But how do you involve citizens in the transformation to a sustainable lifestyle?

Our pilot programs have shown that if you approach sustainable living positively and make it easy and practical, you offer a perspective for action: residents can make enormous steps in a short period of time.

Curious how we do this? We are happy to tell you more.

The Team Working
for a Better Future

Is your Municipality
Ready to Make a Shift?

Contact Shift

Contact us to discuss the options for your municipality.
Contact us to discuss the options for your municipality.

Big news! We launched the Shift International Architecture Competition